序號 | 中文詞彙 | 英文詞彙 |
51 | 擋土支撐 | Soil retaining support |
52 | 露天開挖 | Open cut |
53 | 個人防護具 | Personal Protective Equipment, PPE |
54 | 墜落防護 | Fall protection |
55 | 起重機 | Crane |
56 | 鋼構組配 | Steel erection |
57 | 隧道 | Tunnels |
58 | 鋼筋混凝土 | Reinforcement Concrete, R.C. |
59 | 橋梁 | Bridge |
60 | 危險性機械及設備安全檢查規則 | Regulations for Safety Inspection of Hazardous Machines and Equipment |