序號 | 中文詞彙 | 英文詞彙 |
21 | 違反勞動基準法比率 | The rates of violated Labor Standards Act |
22 | 超時加班給付 | Overtime pay |
23 | 暴露評估 | Exposure Assessment |
24 | 分級管理 | Control Banding |
25 | 容許暴露標準 | Permissible Exposure Limit |
26 | 作業環境監測 | Workplace Environmental Monitoring |
27 | 局限空間 | Confined Spaces |
28 | 工業通風 | Industrial Ventilation |
29 | 整體換氣 | General Exhaust Ventilation |
30 | 局部排氣 | Local Exhaust Ventilation |