序號 | 中文詞彙 | 英文詞彙 |
121 | 職業疾病診斷書 | the written diagnosis of occupational disease |
122 | 職業重建 | vocational rehabilitation |
123 | 工作強化 | work hardening |
124 | 執行職務所致疾病 | work-related disease |
125 | 蒸汽鍋爐 | Steam boilers |
126 | 制動裝置 | Braking devices |
127 | 職業災害勞工保護法 | Act for Protecting Worker of Occupational Accidents |
128 | 勞工保險被保險人因執行職務而致傷病審查準則 | Regulations of the Examination of Injuries and Diseases Resulting from the Performance of Duties by the Insured Persons of the Labor Insurance Program |
129 | 職業災害勞工保護法施行細則 | Enforcement Rules of Protection for workers Incurring Occupational Accidents Act |
130 | 活線作業 | Live line operation |