Article 7 of the International Covenant on Social, Economic, and Cultural Rights states that everyone has the right to “just and favorable conditions of work,” with the term “conditions of work” including conditions related to remuneration and working hours, as well as a safe and healthy working environment. Labor supervision and inspection are the most effective means to ensure respect for workers’ rights and maintain a decent labor environment.
In principle, for labor inspections in Taiwan, the central government has responsibility for safety and health, while local governments handle working conditions. “Safety and health inspections” involve the operational safety of workers, minimization of exposure to hazards in workplaces, and protection of workers’ physical and mental health. “Working conditions inspections,” on the other hand, are aimed at enforcing conditions of work related to remuneration and working hours, protecting the basic working rights of workers, and improving the level of working conditions.
At present staffing charts for labor inspection personnel allow for 1033 such persons in Taiwan, which meets the standard set out by the International Labor Organization for the ratio of inspection personnel to laborers in industrialized countries. In September 2023 there were 905 people involved in working conditions inspections and occupational safety and health (OSH) inspections(of which 578 males and 327 females).
In 2022,labor inspection institutions conducted on-site OSH supervision and inspections a total of 171,177 visits, offered 1,040 OSH educational activities, and provided guidance in 2,561 cases. With these actions they ensured that enterprises implemented workplace OSH management adequately.